// Copyright (c) Acconeer AB, 2020-2022 // All rights reserved // This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in the file // 'LICENSES/license_acconeer.txt', (BSD 3-Clause License) which is part // of this source code package. #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "sys_app.h" #include "acc_hal_definitions.h" #include "acc_hal_integration.h" #include "acc_integration.h" #include "acc_rss.h" #include "acc_service.h" #include "acc_service_envelope.h" #include "acc_version.h" // Default values for this reference application // --------------------------------------------- // Service configuration settings #define SENSOR_ID 1 #define RANGE_START_M 0.12f #define RANGE_LENGTH_M 0.50f #define SERVICE_DOWNSAMPLING 2 #define SERVICE_HWAAS 20 #define RUNNING_AVERAGE_FACTOR 0.0f #define POWER_SAVE_MODE ACC_POWER_SAVE_MODE_OFF // The expected background level for the envelope service // This parameter is not expected to change as long as noise level normalization is active #define ENVELOPE_BACKGROUND_LEVEL 100 // Parameters for direct leakage subtraction // To be set from inspection of the worst case direct leakage // LEAKAGE_SAMPLE_POSITION_M and LEAKAGE_END_POSITION_M must be within // the measurement range [RANGE_START_M, RANGE_START_M + RANGE_LENGTH_M] // and LEAKAGE_END_POSITION_M must be beyond LEAKAGE_SAMPLE_POSITION_M #define LEAKAGE_SAMPLE_POSITION_M 0.15f #define LEAKAGE_END_POSITION_M 0.30f #define MAX_LEAK_AMPLITUDE 2000 // The number of observations in the parking detection queue #define DETECTION_OBSERVATION_COUNT 3 // The minimal weight for each observation in the parking detection queue for // detection of a parked car #define DETECTION_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD 5.0f // Parameters for exclusion of transient reflections from people and items that are near the // sensor for short durations #define DETECTION_WEIGHT_RATIO_LIMIT 3.0f #define DETECTION_DISPLACEMENT_LIMIT 0.1f // The time duration between two consecutive sweeps #define DETECTOR_SWEEP_PERIOD_S 10.0f // Minimal envelope service runtime before sensor recalibration due to a data quality warning. // A sensor calibration is costly in terms of power consumption relative to the sweeps #define SERVICE_RUNTIME_MIN_S 900.0f // Maximal envelope service active time before the service is destroyed and recreated // to renew the noise level normalization. The sensor output amplitude may change notably due // to temperature changes before a data quality warning is triggered. This type of refresh // is inexpensive with respect to power consumption. #define SERVICE_UPTIME_MAX_S 900.0f typedef struct { float weight; float distance; } sweep_observable_t; /** * Recreate the service to renew the noise noise level normalization * * @param configuration The configuration to recreate * @param handle The handle of the service to recreate * @return True, if reactivation was successful */ static bool service_recreate(const acc_service_configuration_t configuration, acc_service_handle_t *handle); /** * Calibrate the sensor * * @return True, if sensor calibration was successful */ static bool sensor_calibration(void); /** * Configure the service to the specified configuration * * @param configuration The service configuration to configure with application settings */ static void configure_service(acc_service_configuration_t configuration); /** * Exectute the parking detection * * @param metadata Service metadata * @param leak_sample_index Index where to sample leakage * @param leak_end_index Index where leakage is assumed to end * @param observations Observation history * @param observation_count The number of observations in the history * @param data Service data * @return True, if a car is detected */ static bool parking_detection(const acc_service_envelope_metadata_t *metadata, uint16_t leak_sample_index, uint16_t leak_end_index, sweep_observable_t *observations, uint16_t *observation_count, const uint16_t *data); int acc_ref_app_parking(int argc, char *argv[]); int acc_ref_app_parking(int argc, char *argv[]) { (void)argc; (void)argv; APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_M,"Acconeer software version %s\n", acc_version_get()); const acc_hal_t *hal = acc_hal_integration_get_implementation(); if (!acc_rss_activate(hal)) { APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_M,"Failed to activate RSS\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } acc_service_configuration_t configuration = acc_service_envelope_configuration_create(); if (configuration == NULL) { APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_M,"Failed to create service configuration\n"); acc_rss_deactivate(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!sensor_calibration()) { APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_M,"Failed to calibrate sensor\n"); acc_service_envelope_configuration_destroy(&configuration); acc_rss_deactivate(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } configure_service(configuration); acc_service_handle_t handle = acc_service_create(configuration); if (handle == NULL) { APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_M,"Failed to create service handle\n"); acc_service_envelope_configuration_destroy(&configuration); acc_rss_deactivate(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } acc_service_envelope_metadata_t metadata; acc_service_envelope_get_metadata(handle, &metadata); uint16_t leak_sample_index = (uint16_t)(((LEAKAGE_SAMPLE_POSITION_M - metadata.start_m) / metadata.step_length_m) + 0.5f); uint16_t leak_end_index = (uint16_t)(((LEAKAGE_END_POSITION_M - metadata.start_m) / metadata.step_length_m) + 0.5f); bool valid_leak_setup = (leak_sample_index < leak_end_index && leak_sample_index < metadata.data_length); uint16_t *data = NULL; acc_service_envelope_result_info_t result_info; sweep_observable_t observations[DETECTION_OBSERVATION_COUNT]; uint16_t observation_count = 0; uint32_t last_update_ms = 0; uint32_t last_activate_ms = hal->os.gettime(); uint32_t last_calibration_ms = hal->os.gettime(); uint16_t sweep_index = 0; char buf[64]=""; bool status = true; if (!valid_leak_setup) { APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_M,"Parameters are not valid\n"); status = false; } else { status = acc_service_activate(handle); } while (status) { if (hal->os.gettime() - last_activate_ms > SERVICE_UPTIME_MAX_S * 1000) { status = service_recreate(configuration, &handle); last_activate_ms = hal->os.gettime(); } if (status) { while (last_update_ms != 0 && hal->os.gettime() - last_update_ms < DETECTOR_SWEEP_PERIOD_S * 1000) { acc_integration_sleep_ms((DETECTOR_SWEEP_PERIOD_S * 1000) - (hal->os.gettime() - last_update_ms)); } status = acc_service_envelope_get_next_by_reference(handle, &data, &result_info); last_update_ms = hal->os.gettime(); } if (status && result_info.data_quality_warning && hal->os.gettime() - last_calibration_ms > SERVICE_RUNTIME_MIN_S * 1000) { status = acc_service_deactivate(handle); if (status) { acc_service_destroy(&handle); status = sensor_calibration(); } if (status) { handle = acc_service_create(configuration); status = handle != NULL; } if (status) { status = acc_service_activate(handle); } last_calibration_ms = hal->os.gettime(); if (status) { status = acc_service_envelope_get_next_by_reference(handle, &data, &result_info); last_update_ms = hal->os.gettime(); } } if (status) { bool detection = parking_detection(&metadata, leak_sample_index, leak_end_index, observations, &observation_count, data); if (sweep_index < DETECTION_OBSERVATION_COUNT - 1) { sprintf(buf,"%" PRIu16 ": No result\n", sweep_index); APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_M,"%s",buf); } else { //APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_M,"%" PRIu16 ": %s\n", sweep_index, detection ? "Car" : "No car"); sprintf(buf,"%" PRIu16 ": %s\n", sweep_index, detection ? "Car" : "No car"); APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_M,"%s",buf); } sweep_index++; } } acc_service_envelope_configuration_destroy(&configuration); acc_service_deactivate(handle); acc_service_destroy(&handle); acc_rss_deactivate(); return status ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; } bool service_recreate(const acc_service_configuration_t configuration, acc_service_handle_t *handle) { if (!acc_service_deactivate(*handle)) { return false; } acc_service_destroy(handle); *handle = acc_service_create(configuration); if (*handle == NULL) { return false; } if (!acc_service_activate(*handle)) { return false; } return true; } bool sensor_calibration(void) { acc_calibration_context_t calibration_context; if (!acc_rss_calibration_context_get(SENSOR_ID, &calibration_context)) { return false; } if (!acc_rss_calibration_context_forced_set(SENSOR_ID, &calibration_context)) { return false; } return true; } void configure_service(acc_service_configuration_t configuration) { acc_service_sensor_set(configuration, SENSOR_ID); acc_service_requested_start_set(configuration, RANGE_START_M); acc_service_requested_length_set(configuration, RANGE_LENGTH_M); acc_service_envelope_downsampling_factor_set(configuration, SERVICE_DOWNSAMPLING); acc_service_hw_accelerated_average_samples_set(configuration, SERVICE_HWAAS); acc_service_envelope_running_average_factor_set(configuration, RUNNING_AVERAGE_FACTOR); acc_service_power_save_mode_set(configuration, POWER_SAVE_MODE); } bool parking_detection(const acc_service_envelope_metadata_t *metadata, uint16_t leak_sample_index, uint16_t leak_end_index, sweep_observable_t *observations, uint16_t *observation_count, const uint16_t *data) { float weight_sum = 0.0f; float weight_sum_r = 0.0f; float leak_start = 0.0f; uint16_t leak_amplitude = MAX_LEAK_AMPLITUDE < data[leak_sample_index] ? MAX_LEAK_AMPLITUDE : data[leak_sample_index]; uint16_t a_leak = leak_amplitude < ENVELOPE_BACKGROUND_LEVEL ? 0 : leak_amplitude - ENVELOPE_BACKGROUND_LEVEL; float leak_step = ((float)(a_leak) / (leak_end_index - leak_sample_index)); leak_start = leak_end_index * leak_step + ENVELOPE_BACKGROUND_LEVEL; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < metadata->data_length; i++) { float r = metadata->start_m + i * metadata->step_length_m; float bg = 0.0f; if (i <= leak_end_index) { bg = leak_start - i * leak_step; } else { bg = ENVELOPE_BACKGROUND_LEVEL; } float sweep_above_bg = data[i] - bg; sweep_above_bg = sweep_above_bg > 0.0f ? sweep_above_bg : 0.0f; float weight = sweep_above_bg / ENVELOPE_BACKGROUND_LEVEL; weight = weight < 1.0f ? weight : 1.0f; weight = weight * sweep_above_bg * r; weight_sum += weight; weight_sum_r += weight * r; } if (*observation_count == DETECTION_OBSERVATION_COUNT) { for (uint16_t i = 1; i < DETECTION_OBSERVATION_COUNT; i++) { observations[i - 1].weight = observations[i].weight; observations[i - 1].distance = observations[i].distance; } } else { (*observation_count)++; } observations[*observation_count - 1].weight = weight_sum / metadata->data_length; observations[*observation_count - 1].distance = weight_sum_r / weight_sum; float weight_min = __FLT_MAX__; float weight_max = 0.0f; float distance_min = __FLT_MAX__; float distance_max = 0.0f; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < *observation_count; i++) { if (weight_min > observations[i].weight) { weight_min = observations[i].weight; } if (weight_max < observations[i].weight) { weight_max = observations[i].weight; } if (distance_min > observations[i].distance) { distance_min = observations[i].distance; } if (distance_max < observations[i].distance) { distance_max = observations[i].distance; } } bool detection = *observation_count == DETECTION_OBSERVATION_COUNT && weight_min >= DETECTION_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD && weight_max / weight_min <= DETECTION_WEIGHT_RATIO_LIMIT && distance_max - distance_min <= DETECTION_DISPLACEMENT_LIMIT; return detection; }