/* Copyright (c) 2021, STMicroelectronics - All Rights Reserved This file : part of VL53L1X ULP and : dual licensed, either 'STMicroelectronics Proprietary license' or 'BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License' , at your option. ******************************************************************************* 'STMicroelectronics Proprietary license' ******************************************************************************* License terms: STMicroelectronics Proprietary in accordance with licensing terms at www.st.com/sla0081 STMicroelectronics confidential Reproduction and Communication of this document : strictly prohibited unless specifically authorized in writing by STMicroelectronics. ******************************************************************************* Alternatively, VL53L1X ULP may be distributed under the terms of 'BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License', in which case the following provisions apply instead of the ones mentioned above : ******************************************************************************* License terms: BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ******************************************************************************* */ /** * @file VL53L1X_ULP_api.c * @brief Functions implementation */ #include "VL53L1X_ULP_api.h" #include static const uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION[] = { 0x00, /* 0x2d */ 0x00, /* 0x2e */ 0x00, /* 0x2f */ 0x11, /* 0x30 */ 0x02, /* 0x31 */ 0x00, /* 0x32 */ 0x02, /* 0x33 */ 0x08, /* 0x34 */ 0x00, /* 0x35 */ 0x08, /* 0x36 */ 0x10, /* 0x37 */ 0x01, /* 0x38 */ 0x01, /* 0x39 */ 0x00, /* 0x3a */ 0x00, /* 0x3b */ 0x00, /* 0x3c */ 0x00, /* 0x3d */ 0xff, /* 0x3e */ 0x00, /* 0x3f */ 0x0F, /* 0x40 */ 0x00, /* 0x41 */ 0x00, /* 0x42 */ 0x00, /* 0x43 */ 0x00, /* 0x44 */ 0x00, /* 0x45 */ 0x20, /* 0x46 */ 0x0b, /* 0x47 */ 0x00, /* 0x48 */ 0x00, /* 0x49 */ 0x02, /* 0x4a */ 0x14, /* 0x4b */ 0x21, /* 0x4c */ 0x00, /* 0x4d */ 0x00, /* 0x4e */ 0x05, /* 0x4f */ 0x00, /* 0x50 */ 0x00, /* 0x51 */ 0x00, /* 0x52 */ 0x00, /* 0x53 */ 0xc8, /* 0x54 */ 0x00, /* 0x55 */ 0x00, /* 0x56 */ 0x38, /* 0x57 */ 0xff, /* 0x58 */ 0x01, /* 0x59 */ 0x00, /* 0x5a */ 0x08, /* 0x5b */ 0x00, /* 0x5c */ 0x00, /* 0x5d */ 0x00, /* 0x5e */ 0x01, /* 0x5f */ 0x0b, /* 0x60 */ 0x00, /* 0x61 */ 0x02, /* 0x62 */ 0x09, /* 0x63 */ 0x00, /* 0x64 */ 0xb4, /* 0x65 */ 0x00, /* 0x66 */ 0xbb, /* 0x67 */ 0x08, /* 0x68 */ 0x38, /* 0x69 */ 0x00, /* 0x6a */ 0x00, /* 0x6b */ 0x00, /* 0x6c */ 0x00, /* 0x6d */ 0x0f, /* 0x6e */ 0x89, /* 0x6f */ 0x00, /* 0x70 */ 0x00, /* 0x71 */ 0x00, /* 0x72 */ 0x00, /* 0x73 */ 0x00, /* 0x74 */ 0x00, /* 0x75 */ 0x00, /* 0x76 */ 0x01, /* 0x77 */ 0x07, /* 0x78 */ 0x05, /* 0x79 */ 0x06, /* 0x7a */ 0x06, /* 0x7b */ 0x00, /* 0x7c */ 0x00, /* 0x7d */ 0x02, /* 0x7e */ 0xc7, /* 0x7f */ 0xff, /* 0x80 */ 0x9B, /* 0x81 */ 0x00, /* 0x82 */ 0x00, /* 0x83 */ 0x00, /* 0x84 */ 0x01, /* 0x85 */ 0x00, /* 0x86 */ 0x00 /* 0x87 */ }; uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_GetSensorId( uint16_t dev, uint16_t *p_id) { uint8_t status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdWord(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_IDENTIFICATION__MODEL_ID, p_id); return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_SetI2CAddress( uint16_t dev, uint8_t new_address) { uint8_t status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrByte(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_I2C_SLAVE__DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)(new_address >> (uint8_t)1)); return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_SensorInit( uint16_t dev) { uint8_t status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; uint8_t Addr, tmp; uint8_t continue_loop = 1; uint16_t i = 0; do{ status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdByte(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_FIRMWARE__SYSTEM_STATUS, &tmp); if(tmp == (uint8_t)0x3) /* Sensor booted */ { continue_loop = (uint8_t)0; } else if(i < (uint16_t)1000) /* Wait for boot */ { i++; } else /* Timeout 1000ms reached */ { continue_loop = (uint8_t)0; status |= (uint8_t)VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_TIMEOUT; } VL53L1X_ULP_WaitMs(1); }while(continue_loop == (uint8_t)1); /* Load default configuration */ for (Addr = (uint8_t)0x2D; Addr <= (uint8_t)0x87; Addr++) { status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrByte(dev, Addr, VL53L1X_ULP_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION[ Addr - (uint8_t)0x2D]); } /* Start VHV */ status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrByte(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_SYSTEM_START, (uint8_t)0x40); i = (uint8_t)0; continue_loop = (uint8_t)1; do{ status |= VL53L1X_ULP_CheckForDataReady(dev, &tmp); if(tmp == (uint8_t)1) /* Data ready */ { continue_loop = (uint8_t)0; } else if(i < (uint16_t)1000) /* Wait for answer */ { i++; } else /* Timeout 1000ms reached */ { continue_loop = (uint8_t)0; status |= (uint8_t)VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_TIMEOUT; } VL53L1X_ULP_WaitMs(1); }while(continue_loop == (uint8_t)1); status |= VL53L1X_ULP_ClearInterrupt(dev); status |= VL53L1X_ULP_StopRanging(dev); status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrByte(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_VHV_CONFIG__TIMEOUT_MACROP_LOOP_BOUND, (uint8_t)0x09); status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrByte(dev, 0x0B, (uint8_t)0); status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrWord(dev, 0x0024, 0x500); status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrByte(dev, 0x81, 0b10001010); status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrByte(dev, 0x004B, 0x03); /* Set default inter-measurement */ status |= VL53L1X_ULP_SetInterMeasurementInMs(dev, 1000); return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_CheckForDataReady( uint16_t dev, uint8_t *p_is_data_ready) { uint8_t status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; uint8_t temp; uint8_t int_pol; status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdByte(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_GPIO_HV_MUX__CTRL, &temp); temp = temp & (uint8_t)0x10; temp = temp >> 4; if (temp == (uint8_t)1) { int_pol = (uint8_t)0; } else { int_pol = (uint8_t)1; } status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdByte(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_GPIO__TIO_HV_STATUS, &temp); if ((temp & (uint8_t)1) == int_pol) { *p_is_data_ready = (uint8_t)1; } else { *p_is_data_ready = (uint8_t)0; } return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_ClearInterrupt( uint16_t dev) { uint8_t status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrByte(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_SYSTEM__INTERRUPT_CLEAR, 0x01); return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_StartRangingSingleShot( uint16_t dev) { uint8_t status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrByte(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_SYSTEM_START, 0x10); return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_StartRanging( uint16_t dev) { uint8_t status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrByte(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_SYSTEM_START, 0x40); return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_StopRanging( uint16_t dev) { uint8_t status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrByte(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_SYSTEM_START, 0x00); return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_DumpDebugData( uint16_t dev, uint8_t *p_measurement_status, uint16_t *p_estimated_distance_mm, uint16_t *p_sigma_mm, uint16_t *p_signal_kcps, uint16_t *p_ambient_kcps) { uint8_t status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; uint8_t status_rtn[24] = { 255, 255, 255, 5, 2, 4, 1, 7, 3, 0, 255, 255, 9, 13, 255, 255, 255, 255, 10, 6, 255, 255, 11, 12 }; status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdByte(dev, 0x0089, p_measurement_status); status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdWord(dev, 0x0096, p_estimated_distance_mm); status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdWord(dev, 0x008E, p_signal_kcps); status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdWord(dev, 0x0092, p_sigma_mm); status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdWord(dev, 0x0090, p_ambient_kcps); (*p_signal_kcps) *= (uint16_t)8; (*p_sigma_mm) /= (uint16_t)4; (*p_ambient_kcps) *= (uint16_t)8; *p_measurement_status = (*p_measurement_status) & (uint8_t)0x1F; if ((*p_measurement_status) < (uint8_t)24) { *p_measurement_status = status_rtn[(*p_measurement_status)]; } return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_SetMacroTiming( uint16_t dev, uint16_t macro_timing) { uint8_t status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; if(((uint16_t)macro_timing >= (uint16_t)1) && ((uint16_t)macro_timing <= (uint16_t)255)) { status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrWord(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_RANGE_CONFIG_A, macro_timing); status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrWord(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_RANGE_CONFIG_B, macro_timing + (uint16_t)0x1); } else { status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_GetMacroTiming( uint16_t dev, uint16_t *p_macro_timing) { uint8_t status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdWord(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_RANGE_CONFIG_A, p_macro_timing); return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_SetInterMeasurementInMs( uint16_t dev, uint32_t inter_measurement_ms) { uint8_t status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; uint16_t clock_pll; float_t inter_measurement_factor = (float_t)1.055; if(((uint32_t)inter_measurement_ms >= (uint32_t)10) && ((uint32_t)inter_measurement_ms <= (uint32_t)60000)) { status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdWord(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_RESULT__OSC_CALIBRATE_VAL, &clock_pll); clock_pll = clock_pll & (uint16_t)0x3FF; inter_measurement_factor = inter_measurement_factor * (float_t)inter_measurement_ms * (float_t)clock_pll; status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrDWord(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_INTERMEASUREMENT_MS, (uint32_t)inter_measurement_factor); } else { status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_GetInterMeasurementInMs( uint16_t dev, uint32_t *p_inter_measurement_ms) { uint8_t status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; uint16_t clock_pll; uint32_t tmp; float_t clock_pll_factor = (float_t)1.055; status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdDWord(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_INTERMEASUREMENT_MS, &tmp); status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdWord(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_RESULT__OSC_CALIBRATE_VAL, &clock_pll); if(clock_pll == (uint16_t)0) { status |= VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else { clock_pll = clock_pll & (uint16_t)0x3FF; clock_pll_factor = clock_pll_factor * (float_t)clock_pll; clock_pll = (uint16_t)clock_pll_factor; *p_inter_measurement_ms = (uint16_t)(tmp/(uint32_t)clock_pll); } return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_SetROI( uint16_t dev, uint8_t roi_width) { uint8_t tmp, status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdByte(dev, 0x013E, &tmp); if(((roi_width >= (uint8_t)4)) && ((roi_width <= (uint8_t)16))) { if (roi_width > (uint8_t)10) { tmp = (uint8_t)199; } status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrByte(dev, 0x007F, tmp); status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrByte(dev, 0x0080, ((roi_width - (uint8_t)1) << 4) | (roi_width - (uint8_t)1)); } else { status |= VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_GetROI( uint16_t dev, uint8_t *p_roi_width) { uint8_t tmp, status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdByte(dev, 0x0080, &tmp); *p_roi_width = (tmp & (uint8_t)0x0F) + (uint8_t)1; return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_SetInterruptConfiguration( uint16_t dev, uint16_t distance_threshold_mm, uint8_t enable_interrupt_only_below_threshold) { uint8_t tmp, status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; if(enable_interrupt_only_below_threshold == (uint8_t)0) { tmp = (uint8_t)0x20; } else { tmp = (uint8_t)0x0; } status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrByte(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_SYSTEM__INTERRUPT, tmp); status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrWord(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_THRESH_HIGH, distance_threshold_mm); status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrWord(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_THRESH_LOW, distance_threshold_mm); return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_GetInterruptConfiguration( uint16_t dev, uint16_t *p_distance_threshold_mm, uint8_t *p_interrupt_enabled_only_below_threshold) { uint8_t tmp, status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdWord(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_THRESH_HIGH, p_distance_threshold_mm); status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdByte(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_SYSTEM__INTERRUPT, &tmp); if(tmp == (uint8_t)0x20) { *p_interrupt_enabled_only_below_threshold = 0; } else { *p_interrupt_enabled_only_below_threshold = 1; } return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_SetSignalThreshold( uint16_t dev, uint16_t signal_kcps) { uint8_t status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; if(((signal_kcps >= (uint16_t)1)) && ((signal_kcps <= (uint16_t)16384))) { status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrWord(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_MIN_COUNT_RATE_RTN_LIMIT_MCPS,signal_kcps>>3); } else { status |= VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_GetSignalThreshold( uint16_t dev, uint16_t *p_signal_kcps) { uint8_t status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; uint16_t tmp = 0; status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdWord(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_MIN_COUNT_RATE_RTN_LIMIT_MCPS, &tmp); *p_signal_kcps = tmp <<3; return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_SetSigmaThreshold( uint16_t dev, uint16_t sigma_mm) { uint8_t status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; if(sigma_mm>(uint16_t)((uint16_t)0xFFFF>>2)) { status |= (uint8_t)VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else { status |= VL53L1X_ULP_WrWord(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_RANGE_CONFIG__SIGMA_THRESH, sigma_mm<<2); } return status; } uint8_t VL53L1X_ULP_GetSigmaThreshold( uint16_t dev, uint16_t *p_sigma_mm) { uint8_t status = VL53L1X_ULP_ERROR_NONE; status |= VL53L1X_ULP_RdWord(dev, VL53L1X_ULP_RANGE_CONFIG__SIGMA_THRESH, p_sigma_mm); *p_sigma_mm = *p_sigma_mm >> 2; return status; }