/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */ /** ****************************************************************************** * @file : sts_lamp_bar.h * @brief : Header for sts_lamp_bar.c file. * This file contains the common defines of the application. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file * in the root directory of this software component. * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* USER CODE END Header */ /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __STS_LAMP_BAR_H #define __STS_LAMP_BAR_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "main.h" #define DEFAULT_SATURATION 50 // 0 - 100 S:Saturation, 0~100 #define DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS 50 // 0 - 100 V:Value of lightness, 0~100 #define DEFAULT_LUMINANCE_LEVEL (30) #define STS_Status_Door_Close (1) //Normal Close NC:Open #define STS_Status_Door_Open (0) //Normal Close NC:Close #define STS_Status_SOS_Pushdown (0) //Normal Open NO:Open #define STS_Status_SOS_Release (1) //Normal Open NO:Close enum sts_lamp_color { STS_DARK = 0, //灭:0, Code 0x00 STS_GREEN, //绿:1 0 1 0 code 0x01 0b0000 0001 STS_RED, //红:2 1 0 0 code 0x02 0b0000 0010 STS_BLUE, //蓝:3 0 0 1 code 0x03 0b0000 0011 STS_YELLOW, //黄:4 1 1 0 code 0x04 0b0000 0100 STS_PINK, //紫:5 1 0 1 code 0x05 0b0000 0101 STS_CYAN, //青:6 0 1 1 code 0x06 0b0000 0110 STS_WHITE, //白:7 1 1 1 code 0x07 0b0000 0111 STS_COLOR_MAX, //8: MAX NUM OF COLORS 0x08 0b0000 1000 STS_GREEN_DARK=0x10, //0b0001 0000 GREEN DARK STS_RED_DARK=0x20, //0b0010 0000, STS_BLUE_DARK=0x30, //0b0011 0000 BLUE DARK STS_RED_BLUE=0x23 //0b0010 0011 RED BLUE FLASH }; enum sts_oo_work_mode { STS_NETWORK_MODE = 0, // 0 NETWORK MODE STS_WIRED_MODE, // 1 WIRED MODE === WATER LEAKAGE, SOAP CAPACITY SENSOR MODE STS_REEDSWITCH_MODE, // 2 REED SWITCH ONLY STS_RSS_MODE, // 3 RSS ONLY STS_DUAL_MODE, // 4 RSS + REED SWITCH IN ONE UNIT STS_UNI_MODE, // 5 DUAL_MODE + FALL DETECTION STS_REMOTE_REED_RSS_MODE, // 6 REMOTE REED SWITCH + RSS MODE 2023-05-04 STS_DUAL_RSS_MODE, // 7 RSS_1 + RSS_2 IN TWO UNITS STS_TOF_RSS_MODE, // 8 TOF + RSS MODE STS_TOF_DISTANCE_MODE, // 9 TOF DISTANCE STS_TOF_PRESENCE_MODE, // A TOF PRESENCE OCCUPANCY STS_TOF_IN_OUT_MODE, // B TOF IN OUT COUNT STS_OTHER_MODE // ? OTHER MODE }; #if defined(STS_O7)||defined(STS_O6) #define STS_Reed_Hall_State HALL1_STATE #define STS_Emergency_Button_State HALL2_STATE #else #define STS_Reed_Hall_State HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(BUT1_GPIO_Port, BUT1_Pin) #endif //void STS_Lamp_Bar_All(uint8_t lamp_color, uint8_t luminance_level); void STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_Color(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue ); void STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_RGB(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue); void STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_RGB_Color(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue); void STS_Lamp_Bar_Init(void); void STS_Lamp_Bar_Full_Color_Gradient(void); void STS_WS2812B_Refresh(void); void STS_WS2812B_Set_RGB(uint8_t R, uint8_t G, uint8_t B, uint8_t idx); void STS_Reed_Hall_Working(void); void STS_Lamp_Bar_Self_Test_Simple(void); void STS_Lamp_Bar_Self_Test(void); void STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_Dark(void); void sts_rgb_unit_test(void); void STS_Reed_Hall_Presence_Detection(void); void STS_RSS_Smart_Presence_Detection(void); void STS_RSS_Smart_Presence(void); void STS_Combined_Status_Processing(void); // Before Join LoRa-WAN Network void STS_Lamp_Bar_Scoller(uint8_t color, uint8_t luminance_level); // Occupancy Status, Set Color to STS_RED // Vacant Status, Set Color to STS_GREEN void STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_STS_RGB_Color(uint8_t sts_lamp_color, uint8_t luminance_level); void STS_Lamp_Bar_Refresh(void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _STS_LAMP_BAR_H */