/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */ /** ****************************************************************************** * @file yunhorn_sts_lamp_bar.c * * @author Yunhorn (r) Technology Limited Application Team * * @brief Yunhorn (r) SmarToilets (r) Product configuration file. * ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * Copyright (c) 2022 Yunhorn Technology Limited. * Copyright (c) 2022 Shenzhen Yunhorn Technology Co., Ltd. * All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file * in the root directory of this software component. * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* USER CODE END Header */ #include "main.h" #include "dma.h" #include "tim.h" #include "string.h" #include "sys_app.h" #include "stm32_systime.h" #include "sts_lamp_bar.h" #include "yunhorn_sts_sensors.h" #define ONE_PULSE (40) //36 #define ZERO_PULSE (20) #define LED_DATA_LEN 24 #define WS2812B_DATA_LEN (LED_DATA_LEN * (STS_LAMP_BAR_LED_NUM)) #define RESET_PULSE (24) //(80) TO FIX DARK_COLOR AND SM2 typedef struct ws2812b_e { //uint16_t head[3]; uint16_t GRB[WS2812B_DATA_LEN]; uint16_t tail; } WS2812B_FrameTypeDef; volatile WS2812B_FrameTypeDef rgb_buf = { // .head[0] = 0, // .head[1] = 0, // .head[2] = 0, .tail = 0 }; uint8_t color_rgb[8][3] = { //STS_COLOR R G B MAPPING TABLE {0,0,0},{0,1,0},{1,0,0},{0,0,1},{1,1,0},{1,0,1},{0,1,1},{1,1,1} }; extern volatile uint8_t sts_service_mask; extern volatile uint8_t sts_work_mode; volatile uint8_t sts_reed_hall_ext_int = 0; volatile uint8_t sts_status_color = STS_GREEN; volatile uint8_t sts_lamp_bar_color = STS_GREEN; //puColor volatile uint8_t sts_lamp_bar_flashing_color = STS_RED_DARK; //0x23; RED_BLUE; volatile uint8_t sts_cloud_netcolor = STS_GREEN; //netColor extern volatile uint8_t sts_occupancy_status; extern volatile uint8_t sts_reed_hall_result, sts_emergency_button_pushed; // inital 0 = close volatile uint8_t sts_hall1_read=STS_Status_Door_Open,sts_hall2_read=STS_Status_SOS_Release; // Above hall1_read == reed_hall_result, hall2_read == emergency_button volatile uint8_t sts_hall3_read=STS_Status_Alarm_Mute_Release,sts_hall4_read=STS_Status_Alarm_Reset_Release; extern volatile uint8_t sts_reed_hall_1_result, sts_reed_hall_2_result; extern volatile uint8_t sts_tof_result_changed_flag; extern volatile uint8_t sts_rss_result_changed_flag, sts_hall1_changed_flag, sts_hall2_changed_flag, sts_reed_hall_changed_flag; extern volatile uint8_t sts_rss_result; extern volatile uint8_t sts_rss_2nd_result; //2nd RSS sensor status extern volatile uint8_t sts_tof_result; volatile uint8_t last_lamp_bar_color=STS_GREEN; extern volatile uint8_t sts_presence_fall_detection; extern volatile uint8_t sts_fall_rising_detected_result; extern volatile float sts_presence_rss_distance; extern volatile uint8_t sensor_data_ready; extern SysTime_t mems_event_time; extern volatile uint32_t event_start_time, event_stop_time; extern volatile uint32_t event_door_lock_start_time, event_door_lock_stop_time; volatile uint8_t luminance_level = DEFAULT_LUMINANCE_LEVEL; void STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_Dark(void) { for (uint8_t i=0; i< STS_LAMP_BAR_LED_NUM; i++) { STS_WS2812B_Set_RGB(0x00,0x00,0x00,i); } STS_WS2812B_Refresh(); } void STS_WS2812B_Refresh(void) { HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA(&STS_LAMP_BAR_HTIM, STS_LAMP_BAR_TIM_CHANNEL, (uint32_t *)&rgb_buf, (WS2812B_DATA_LEN+RESET_PULSE)); //HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_IT(&STS_LAMP_BAR_HTIM, STS_LAMP_BAR_TIM_CHANNEL); } void STS_Lamp_Bar_Init(void) { if (sts_service_mask == STS_SERVICE_MASK_L0) { STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_STS_RGB_Color(STS_GREEN, luminance_level); HAL_Delay(200); STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_STS_RGB_Color(STS_RED, luminance_level); HAL_Delay(200); STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_STS_RGB_Color(STS_BLUE, luminance_level); HAL_Delay(200); } } //marquee scoller void STS_Lamp_Bar_Scoller(uint8_t color, uint8_t lum_level) { STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_Dark(); for(uint8_t i = 0; i<STS_LAMP_BAR_LED_NUM; i++) { HAL_Delay(10); //MAKE THIS LESS THAN 10 NOT TO BLOCK JOIN THE LORAWAN STS_WS2812B_Set_RGB(color_rgb[color][0]*lum_level,color_rgb[color][1]*lum_level, color_rgb[color][2]*lum_level, i); STS_WS2812B_Refresh(); } } void STS_WS2812B_Set_RGB(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint8_t idx) { for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 8; j ++) { rgb_buf.GRB[idx*24+j] = (uint16_t)(((green<<j)&0x80)? ONE_PULSE : ZERO_PULSE); rgb_buf.GRB[idx*24+8+j] = (uint16_t)(((red<<j)&0x80)? ONE_PULSE : ZERO_PULSE); rgb_buf.GRB[idx*24+16+j] = (uint16_t)(((blue<<j)&0x80)? ONE_PULSE : ZERO_PULSE); } } void STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_RGB_Color(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue ) { uint8_t i =0; UTIL_MEM_set_8((void*)rgb_buf.GRB,0x00,(WS2812B_DATA_LEN+RESET_PULSE)); for(i = 0; i < STS_LAMP_BAR_LED_NUM; i++) { for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 8; j ++) { rgb_buf.GRB[i*24+j] = (uint16_t)(((green<<j)&0x80)? ONE_PULSE : ZERO_PULSE); rgb_buf.GRB[i*24+8+j] = (uint16_t)(((red<<j)&0x80)? ONE_PULSE : ZERO_PULSE); rgb_buf.GRB[i*24+16+j] = (uint16_t)(((blue<<j)&0x80)? ONE_PULSE : ZERO_PULSE); } } STS_WS2812B_Refresh(); } void STS_Lamp_Bar_Refresh(void) { STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_STS_RGB_Color(sts_lamp_bar_color, luminance_level); } void STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_STS_RGB_Color(uint8_t sts_lamp_color, uint8_t lum) { if (sts_lamp_color <=8) { switch (sts_lamp_color) { case STS_DARK: STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_RGB_Color(0x0, 0x0, 0x0); break; case STS_GREEN: STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_RGB_Color(0x0, lum, 0x0); break; case STS_RED: STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_RGB_Color(lum, 0x0, 0x0); break; case STS_BLUE: STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_RGB_Color(0x0, 0x0, lum); break; case STS_YELLOW: STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_RGB_Color(lum, lum, 0x0); break; case STS_PINK: STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_RGB_Color(lum, 0x0, lum); break; case STS_CYAN: STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_RGB_Color(0x0, lum, lum); break; case STS_WHITE: STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_RGB_Color(lum, lum, lum); break; } } } void HAL_TIM_PWM_PulseFinishedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim) { __HAL_TIM_SetCompare(&STS_LAMP_BAR_HTIM, STS_LAMP_BAR_TIM_CHANNEL,0); HAL_TIM_PWM_Stop_DMA(&STS_LAMP_BAR_HTIM, STS_LAMP_BAR_TIM_CHANNEL); } void STS_Lamp_Bar_Self_Test_Simple(void) { uint8_t color=0, lum_level=DEFAULT_LUMINANCE_LEVEL; APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_H, "\r\n [#1] RGB Space Lumianance Level Testing Start\r\n"); for (color=STS_GREEN; color < STS_COLOR_MAX; color++) { lum_level = 10; do { STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_STS_RGB_Color(color, lum_level); HAL_Delay(20); lum_level += 20; } while (lum_level < 99); STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_Dark(); } APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_H, "\r\n [#1] RGB Space Lumianance Level Testing Finished\r\n"); } void STS_Lamp_Bar_Self_Test(void) { uint8_t color=0, lum_level=DEFAULT_LUMINANCE_LEVEL; APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_H, "\r\n YunHorn STS Indicative Lamp Self Test\r\n"); STS_Lamp_Bar_Self_Test_Simple(); APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_H, "\r\n [#2] Scoller Testing\r\n"); lum_level=50; for (color = STS_GREEN; color < STS_COLOR_MAX; color++) { STS_Lamp_Bar_Scoller(color, lum_level); } APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_H, "\r\n [##] YunHorn STS Indicative Lamp Self Test Finished\r\n"); if ((sts_work_mode == STS_WIRED_MODE) ) { STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_Dark(); } else { STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_STS_RGB_Color(STS_GREEN, lum_level); } } void sts_rgb_unit_test(void) { APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_L, "\r\n STS Lamp Bar Init...\r\n"); STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_Dark(); STS_Lamp_Bar_Full_Color_Gradient(); STS_Lamp_Bar_Self_Test(); do { for (uint8_t i=0; i<9; i++) { APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_L, "\r\n STS Lamp Bar color = %d...\r\n", i); STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_STS_RGB_Color(i, luminance_level); STS_Combined_Status_Processing(); HAL_Delay(6000); STS_Lamp_Bar_Set_Dark(); } } while(1); }