// Copyright (c) Acconeer AB, 2018-2022 // All rights reserved #ifndef ACC_HAL_DEFINITIONS_H_ #define ACC_HAL_DEFINITIONS_H_ #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "acc_definitions_common.h" /** * @brief Defines the largest allowed value of a sensor ID */ #define ACC_SENSOR_ID_MAX 42U /** * @brief Specifies the minimal size in bytes that SPI transfers must be able to handle */ #define ACC_SPI_TRANSFER_SIZE_REQUIRED 16 /** * @brief Specifies the number of clock cycles needed for sensor to enter hibernate mode */ #define ACC_NBR_CLOCK_CYCLES_REQUIRED_HIBERNATE_ENTER 10 /** * @brief Specifies the number of clock cycles needed for the first part of the sensor exiting hibernate mode */ #define ACC_NBR_CLOCK_CYCLES_REQUIRED_STEP_1_HIBERNATE_EXIT 3 /** * @brief Specifies the number of clock cycles needed for the second part of the sensor exiting hibernate mode */ #define ACC_NBR_CLOCK_CYCLES_REQUIRED_STEP_2_HIBERNATE_EXIT (13 - ACC_NBR_CLOCK_CYCLES_REQUIRED_STEP_1_HIBERNATE_EXIT) /** * @brief Specifies the number of millisonds of delay needed for the Oscillator to stabilize when exiting hibernate mode */ #define ACC_WAIT_TIME_HIBERNATE_EXIT_MS 2 /** * @defgroup OS OS Integration * @ingroup Integration * * @brief Integration OS primitives * * @{ */ /** * @brief Definition of a memory allocation function * * Allocated memory should be suitably aligned for any built-in type. Returning NULL is seen as failure. */ typedef void *(*acc_os_mem_alloc_function_t)(size_t); /** * @brief Definition of a memory free function * * Free memory which is previously allocated. */ typedef void (*acc_os_mem_free_function_t)(void *); /** * @brief Definition of a time retrieval function * * The time returned must be in milliseconds. * * Must be implemented by integration. */ typedef uint32_t (*acc_os_get_time_function_t)(void); /** * @brief Struct that contains the implementation of os integration primitives */ typedef struct { acc_os_mem_alloc_function_t mem_alloc; acc_os_mem_free_function_t mem_free; acc_os_get_time_function_t gettime; } acc_rss_integration_os_primitives_t; /** * @} */ /** * @defgroup HAL Hardware Integration * @ingroup Integration * * @brief Integration of Hardware Abstraction Layer for the radar sensor * * @{ */ /** * @brief Definition of a sensor power function * * These functions control the power of the sensor. It typically control PS_ENABLE * and PMU_ENABLE. The hibernate functions should also toggle the CTRL pin. * * In the case of the power_on function: * Any pending sensor interrupts should be cleared before returning from function. */ typedef void (*acc_hal_sensor_power_function_t)(acc_sensor_id_t sensor_id); /** * @brief Definition of a hal get frequency function * * This function shall return the frequency of the reference clock connected to the sensor. * */ typedef float (*acc_hal_get_frequency_function_t)(void); /** * @brief Definition of a wait for sensor interrupt function * * This function shall wait at most timeout_ms for the interrupt to become active and * then return true. It may return true immediately if an interrupt have * occurred since last call to this function. * * If waited more than timeout_ms for the interrupt to become active it shall * return false. * * Note that this function can be called with a timeout_ms = 0. * */ typedef bool (*acc_hal_sensor_wait_for_interrupt_function_t)(acc_sensor_id_t sensor_id, uint32_t timeout_ms); /** * @brief Definition of a sensor transfer function * * This function shall transfer data to and from the sensor over spi. It's beneficial from a performance perspective * to use dma if available. * The buffer is naturally aligned to a maximum of 4 bytes. * */ typedef void (*acc_hal_sensor_transfer_function_t)(acc_sensor_id_t sensor_id, uint8_t *buffer, size_t buffer_size); /** * @brief This struct contains function pointers that point to * functions needed for communication with the radar sensor. */ typedef struct { acc_hal_sensor_power_function_t power_on; acc_hal_sensor_power_function_t power_off; acc_hal_sensor_power_function_t hibernate_enter; acc_hal_sensor_power_function_t hibernate_exit; acc_hal_sensor_wait_for_interrupt_function_t wait_for_interrupt; acc_hal_sensor_transfer_function_t transfer; acc_hal_get_frequency_function_t get_reference_frequency; } acc_rss_integration_sensor_device_t; /** * @} */ /** * @defgroup Properties Integration Properties * @ingroup Integration * * @brief Integration specific properties that is used for configuration of RSS. * * Number of sensors connected to each board and the maximum buffer size that the * spi driver can handle can be different between applications. These values shall * be configured by the client. * * @{ */ /** * @brief This struct contains information about board properties that * are needed by RSS. * * @ref sensor_count is the maximal sensor ID that the integration layer supports. * This value must not exceed @ref ACC_SENSOR_ID_MAX. * * @ref max_spi_transfer_size is the maximal buffer size that is supported * by the implementation of @ref acc_hal_sensor_transfer_function_t. * This value must not be smaller than @ref ACC_SPI_TRANSFER_SIZE_REQUIRED. */ typedef struct { uint32_t sensor_count; size_t max_spi_transfer_size; } acc_rss_integration_properties_t; /** * @} */ /** * @defgroup Opimization Optional optimizations * @ingroup Integration * * @brief Support for different optimizations * * @{ */ /** * @brief Definition of an optimized 16-bit sensor transfer function * * This function shall transfer data to and from the sensor over spi with 16 bits data size. * It's beneficial from a performance perspective to use dma if available. * The buffer is naturally aligned to a minimum of 4 bytes. * * If defined it will be used instead of the (8-bit) transfer function @ref acc_hal_sensor_transfer_function_t * */ typedef void (*acc_sensor_transfer16_function_t)(acc_sensor_id_t sensor_id, uint16_t *buffer, size_t buffer_length); /** * @brief This struct contains function pointers that are optional to support different optimizations * * Optional * * This struct contains function pointers to support different optimizations. * These optimizations can be utilized for some integrations. * If they are defined, they will override the corresponding non-optimized function. * * For example, if the transfer16 function is implemented, it will be used instead of the transfer function. */ typedef struct { acc_sensor_transfer16_function_t transfer16; } acc_optimization_t; /** * @} */ /** * @defgroup Log Log Integration * @ingroup Integration * * @brief Integration for log functionality * * @{ */ /** * @brief Definition of a log function */ typedef void (*acc_log_function_t)(acc_log_level_t level, const char *module, const char *format, ...); /** * @brief This struct contains information about log properties and functions * needed by RSS */ typedef struct { acc_log_level_t log_level; acc_log_function_t log; } acc_rss_integration_log_t; /** * @} */ /** * @defgroup Integration Integration * @brief Driver and OS Integration * * @{ */ /** * @brief This struct contains the information about the sensor * integration that RSS needs. */ typedef struct { acc_rss_integration_properties_t properties; acc_rss_integration_os_primitives_t os; acc_rss_integration_sensor_device_t sensor_device; acc_rss_integration_log_t log; acc_optimization_t optimization; } acc_hal_t; /** * @} */ #endif