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* @file X-NUCLEO-53L1A1.h
* Created on: Nov 3, 2015
* Author: ST Imaging
#ifndef _X_NUCLEO_53L1A1_H_
#define _X_NUCLEO_53L1A1_H_
#include "stm32wlxx_hal.h"
* @defgroup VL53L1A1_config VL53L1A1 static configuration
* @brief Configure BSP support for USART2 (nucleo virtual com)
* UART support implies that BSP exclusively manages:
* @li HAL_UART_MspInit and HAL_UART_MspDeInit
* @li DMA channel and interrupt
/** @ingroup VL53L1A1_config
* @{*/
#ifndef VL53L1A1_HAVE_UART
* Define this macro at project level if UART is available
# define VL53L1A1_HAVE_UART 0
* User override of baud rate programmed for uart2 (default to 115200)
# define USART2_BAUD_RATE 115200
#ifndef VL53L1A1_UART_DMA_RX
/** configure use of dma for uart rx
* Default to not use DMA RX when not defined explicitly
* require @a VL53L1A1_HAVE_UART
# define VL53L1A1_UART_DMA_RX 0
#endif //VL53L1A1_UART_DMA_RX
#ifndef VL53L1A1_UART_DMA_TX
/** configure use of dma for uart tx
* Default to use DMA TX when not defined explicitly by user
* require @a VL53L1A1_HAVE_UART
# define VL53L1A1_UART_DMA_TX 1
#endif //VL53L1A1_UART_DMA_RX
/** configure usart max irq priority
* Default to 0 when not defined explicitly by user
* @warning may not be support by all mcu (only F401 tested)
# define VL53L1A1_UART_DMA_RX_IRQ_PRI 0
/** configure usart dma tx irq priority
* Default to 0 when not defined explicitly
* @warning only F401
# define VL53L1A1_UART_DMA_TX_IRQ_PRI 0
#ifndef VL53L1A1_UART_IRQ_PRI
* User override default uart irq priority 0 to fit application needs
* @warning only supported for f401
# define VL53L1A1_UART_IRQ_PRI 0
/* provided by MSP part */
extern void XNUCLEO53L1A1_USART2_UART_Init(void);
# define XNUCLEO53L1A1_USART2_UART_Init(...) (void)0
/** @} */
* Configure interrupt pins pins pull up/down
* @ingroup VL53L1A1_GPIO1_MAP
* @{
#ifndef VL53L1A1_GPIO1_SHARED
* @brief select use of shared interrupt
* Must be set to 0 (or not defined) for one interrupt per sensor
* Must be set to non 0 for shared interrupt line
* see @sa VL53L1A1_GPIO1_C_OPTION
# define VL53L1A1_GPIO1_SHARED 1
#ifndef VL53L1A1_GPIO1_C_OPTION
* @def VL53L1A1_GPIO1_C_OPTION
* @brief select GPIO1 to exti mapping for center or shared interrupt
* Set option value or un-define it to match with board configuration
* @li not defined or 0 : U14=On and U17=off => GPIO1_C = PA4
* @li defined and not 0 : U14=Off and U17=on => GPIO1_C = PC1
# define VL53L1A1_GPIO1_C_OPTION 0
#ifndef VL53L1A1_GPIO1_L_OPTION
* @def VL53L1A1_GPIO1_L_OPTION
* @brief control left sensor GPIO1 routing solder option
* @warning not used on shared interrupt config
* Set option value or un-define it to match with board configuration
* @li not defined or 0 : U10=on and U11=Off => GPIO1_L = PC7
* @li defined and not 0 : U10=off and U11=on => GPIO1_L = PA9
# define VL53L1A1_GPIO1_L_OPTION 0
#ifndef VL53L1A1_GPIO1_R_OPTION
* @def VL53L1A1_GPIO1_R_OPTION
* @brief control right sensor GPIO1 routing solder option
* @warning not used on shared interrupt config
* Set option value or un-define it to match with board configuration
* @li not defined or 0 : U18=on and U15=Off => GPIO1_R = PA10
* @li defined and not 0 : U18=off and U15=on => GPIO1_R = PB5
# define VL53L1A1_GPIO1_R_OPTION 0
// YUNHORN STS: previous setting 2024-08-28
#if VL53L1A1_GPIO1_C_OPTION == 0
#define VL53L1A1_GPIO1_C_INTx EXTI3_IRQn
// YUNHORN STS: New setting for RM2_1, PB3 as GPIO1/INT, PB5 as ENABLE/XSHUT, 2024-08-28
#if VL53L1A1_GPIO1_C_OPTION == 0
#define VL53L1A1_GPIO1_C_INTx EXTI3_IRQn
#if VL53L1A1_GPIO1_SHARED == 0
/* not shared interrupt configuration */
#if VL53L1A1_GPIO1_L_OPTION == 0
#define VL53L1A1_GPIO1_L_INTx EXTI3_IRQn
#endif //else VL53L1A1_GPIO1_L_OPTION
#if VL53L1A1_GPIO1_R_OPTION == 0
# define VL53L1A1_GPIO1_R_GPIO_PIN GPIO_PIN_10
# define VL53L1A1_GPIO1_R_INTx EXTI3_IRQn
#endif //else VL53L1A1_GPIO1_R_OPTION
#endif //else VL53L1A1_GPIO1_SHARED
/** @} */ /* defgroup L53L1A1_GPIO1_MAP */
* @defgroup XNUCLEO53L1A1_Debugging VL053L1A1 debugging
* @{
* @brief enable error output via trace
* when undefined (default) no trace no error logging is done, it is safe
* to at least count error just to see if any errors ever occur.
* Traces formating and output is end user defined via #trace_printf
#endif // XNUCLEO53L1A1_TRACE
* @def XNUCLEO53L1A1_ErrLog(...)
* Macro used to report error log messages with printf format
* Our testing version use externally trace_printf,
* We trace out function names and line numbers plus any text formated with some extra arguments
# define XNUCLEO53L1A1_ErrLog( msg, ...) trace_printf("[Err] %s l %d \t" msg "\n", __func__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
# define XNUCLEO53L1A1_ErrLog(...) (void)0
/** @} */ /* group XNUCLEO53L1A1_Debugging */
* @defgroup XNUCLEO53L1A1_Interface X-NUCLEO-53L1A1 BSP API
* @{ */
* 53L0X Device selector
* @note Most functions are using a device selector as input. ASCII 'c', 'l' or 'r' are also accepted.
enum XNUCLEO53L1A1_dev_e{
XNUCLEO53L1A1_DEV_LEFT = 0, //!< left satellite device P21 header : 'l'
XNUCLEO53L1A1_DEV_CENTER = 1, //!< center (built-in) vl053 device : 'c"
XNUCLEO53L1A1_DEV_RIGHT= 2 //!< Right satellite device P22 header : 'r'
* I2C1 handle
* @note setup and configured by @ref XNUCLEO53L1A1_Init
extern I2C_HandleTypeDef XNUCLEO53L1A1_hi2c;
/** UART2 handle
* UART2 is the nucleo Virtual Com Port
* @note setup and configured by @ref XNUCLEO53L1A1_Init*/
extern UART_HandleTypeDef huart2;
/** UART2 DMA RX available only if support activated*/
extern DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_usart2_rx;
/** UART2 DMA TX available only if support activated */
extern DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_usart2_tx;
#endif//ifdef VL53L1A1_HAVE_UART
* Initialize VL053L1A1 STM32 expansion board
* @note All VL53L0X devices XSDN are asserted and display is turned off
* @return 0 on success
int XNUCLEO53L1A1_Init(void);
* Set Reset (XSDN) state of a given "id" device
* @param DevNo The device number use @ref XNUCLEO53L1A1_dev_e. Char 't' 'c' 'r' can also be used
* @param state State of the device reset (xsdn) pin @warning reset pin is active low
* @return 0 on success
int XNUCLEO53L1A1_ResetId(int DevNo, int state );
* Get PB1 push button state
* @param state Actual button state 0/1 boolean type
* @warning In case of error, value of state is unchanged
* @return 0 on success
int XNUCLEO53L1A1_GetPB1(int *state);
* Set the 7 segments display
* @param str String to set on display
* @warning When string is less than 4 digits, display is left-justified and lower digits are blanked.
* To display a 2 digits value, left justified on the 4 digits, use "%4d" formating
* @warning When more than 4 char are present only first 4 are displayed
* @note Characters that do not have 7 segment font matching in @ref ascii_to_display_lut are left blank
* @return 0 on success
int XNUCLEO53L1A1_SetDisplayString(const char *str);
/** @} */ /* defgroup XNUCLEO53L1A1_Interface */
* @ingroup XNUCLEO53L1A1_Interface
* @defgroup MSP_implement MSP and User specific code
* Some MSP Micro-controller Support Package code is provided in the BSP source.\n
* The following MSP function and callback are already implemented
* ### UART ###
* @li HAL_UART_MspDeInit and HAL_UART_MspInit
* @li HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback
* @li USART2_IRQHandler
* ### EXTI ###
* @li F401RE/L476 EXTI15_10_IRQHandler, EXTI9_5_IRQHandler, EXTI4_IRQHandler and EXTI1_IRQHandler
* @li L053R8 EXTI4_15_IRQHandler, EXTI0_1_IRQHandler and EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
* @li HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback
* ### DMA ###
* @li L476 DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler and DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler
* @li F401 DMA1_Stream5_IRQHandler and DMA1_Stream6_IRQHandler
* @li L053 DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQHandler
* Exact EXTI list depends on soldering options and configured DMA list depends on DMA RX/TX configuration options.
* If those functions and callbacks are also to be used by application, the code must be removed or adapted to manage multi-instances
* Family-specific code is on dedicated files:
* @li vl53l0A1-l053msp.c for Nucleo-L053R8
* @li vl53l0A1-x4msp.c for Nucleo-F401RE and Nucleo-L476RG
* @li uart_trace.c for generic uart handling
* @{
* @defgroup MSP_implement_common MSP Common to all STM32
* MSP adaption that apply to all mcu (F4,L4,L0) with no or little customization.
* @{
* Enable Disable interrupt at MCU level (MSP)
* Enable/Disable the interrupt for a given sensor Dev number
* End user is expected to override VL53L1A1_EXTI_Callback to catch interrupts.
* When the vector is shared applicaton is passed the device and pin corretcy
* In shared line mode application is responsible to find what sensor cause the interrupt and deal with races on interrupt line
* @param EnableIntr "boolean" 0 to disable interrupt otherwise interrupt is enabled
* @param DevNo Device number "name" of the sensor see @ref XNUCLEO53L1A1_dev_e
* @warning In shared interrupt mode, use only center : other values are not supported and will return an error
* @warning If several lines share the same interrupt vector (l053 mcu), only one sensor interrupt shall be enable at a time
* otherwise the handler may fail to locate and clear the right source (no sharing management)
* @return 0 on success \n
* <0 for error (invalid id)
* >0 interrupt configured but with potential sharing on EXTI groups see @ref VL53L1A1_GPIO1_MAP
int XNUCLEO53L1A1_SetIntrStateId(int EnableIntr, int DevNo);
/** @} */ /* MSP_implemant_common */
* MSP Configure expansion board Interrupt i/o
* This function configures GPIO i/o and NVIC. See @ref VL53L1A1_GPIO1_MAP for details
* To enable interrupt handling use @ref XNUCLEO53L1A1_SetIntrStateId()
* The input pullup/pulldown is configured by static configuration @a #VL53L1A1_INTR_PIN_PUPD
* @warning Interrupt is disabled and any pending status flushed out\n
* if initial vl53lx sensor interrupt state is important it must be handled externally (soft trigger)
* @warning If interrupt vector is shared it is better to configure and enable only one at a time
* proper shared management is done but yet some isr could be lost or some other fired spuriously.
* @param DevNo device number see @ref XNUCLEO53L1A1_dev_e
* @param IntPriority Interrupt Priority to set
* @param SubPriority Interrupt SubPriority to set
void VL53L1A1_EXTI_IOConfigure(int DevNo, int IntPriority, int SubPriority);
* Un-configure sensor interrupt line to mcu
* The line is DeInited (put back to input?)
* This function disables the related i/o pin and flush line interrupt pending (not vector)
* this is to permit shared vector to work.
* To turn off vector use @ref XNUCLEO53L1A1_SetIntrStateId()
* @warning because vector and line disable are not done atomically with isr disable,
* a last invalid interrupt may be fired.
* @param DevNo device see @ref XNUCLEO53L1A1_dev_e
void VL53L1A1_EXTI_IOUnconfigure(int DevNo);
/** @} */ /* MSP_implement */
#endif /* _X_NUCLEO_53L1A1_H_ */