################################################################################ # Automatically-generated file. Do not edit! # Toolchain: GNU Tools for STM32 (11.3.rel1) ################################################################################ ELF_SRCS := OBJ_SRCS := S_SRCS := C_SRCS := S_UPPER_SRCS := O_SRCS := CYCLO_FILES := OBJCOPY_HEX := SIZE_OUTPUT := OBJDUMP_LIST := SU_FILES := EXECUTABLES := OBJS := MAP_FILES := S_DEPS := S_UPPER_DEPS := C_DEPS := OBJCOPY_BIN := # Every subdirectory with source files must be described here SUBDIRS := \ Application/User/Core \ Application/User/LoRaWAN/App \ Application/User/LoRaWAN/Target \ Application/User/Startup \ Application/User/TOF/App \ Application/User/TOF/Target \ Application/User/TOF/vl53l0x \ Drivers/BSP/STM32WLxx_Nucleo \ Drivers/CMSIS \ Drivers/STM32WLxx_HAL_Driver \ Middlewares/LoRaWAN \ Middlewares/SubGHz_Phy \ Utilities \