492 lines
14 KiB
492 lines
14 KiB
#include <string.h>
#include "mlx90640_lcd_display.h"
#include "stm32_hx8347d_lcd.h"
#include "MLX90640_API.h"
#include "MLX90640_I2C_Driver.h"
#include "sys_app.h"
#include "yunhorn_sts_sensors.h"
//#include "bmp.h"
#define FPS2HZ 0x02
#define FPS4HZ 0x03
#define FPS8HZ 0x04
#define FPS16HZ 0x05
#define FPS32HZ 0x06
#define MLX90640_ADDR 0x33
#define RefreshRate FPS2HZ
#define EMMISIVITY 0.95f
#define TA_SHIFT 8 //Default shift for MLX90640 in open air
paramsMLX90640 mlx90640;
static uint16_t eeMLX90640[832];
int status;
volatile uint8_t draw_legend_once=0, normalPeopleTemp=32, blackOutTag=0, waterTempThreshold=20, normalWaterTemp=25, detectCycle=0, v_water_cnt=0,h_water_cnt=0, spot_cnt=0;
// start with some initial colors
volatile float minTemp = -20.0f;
volatile float maxTemp = 120.0f;
volatile float centerTemp=0.0f;
volatile float averageTemp=0.0f;
volatile uint16_t waterSpillCount=0;
extern volatile uint8_t sensor_data_ready;
char tempBuffer[128];
// variables for interpolated colors
uint8_t red, green, blue;
// variables for row/column interpolation
float intPoint, val, a, b, c, d, ii;
int x, y, i, j;
// array for the 32 x 24 measured tempValues
#define ROW 24
#define COL 32
static float tempValues[COL*ROW];
volatile uint8_t zoneMask[ROW*COL]={0x0}, edgeMask[ROW*COL]={0x0}, upMask[ROW/3][COL/3]={0x0}, order[(ROW/3)*(COL/3)]={0x0};
volatile STS_M1A_SensorDataTypeDef m1a_data;
void blackOutFilter(void);
static uint16_t TempToColor(float val);
static void setTempScale(void);
static void setAbcd(void);
static void drawLegend(void);
static void drawMeasurement(void);
static void drawPicture(void);
static void readTempValues(void);
static void bubbleSort(uint8_t arr[], uint8_t len, uint8_t order[]);
extern LCD_DrawPropTypeDef DrawProp;
static uint16_t TempToColor(float val)
pass in value and figure out R G B
several published ways to do this I basically graphed R G B and developed simple linear equations
again a 5-6-5 color display will not need accurate temp to R G B color calculation
equations based on
red = constrain(255.0f / (c - b) * val - ((b * 255.0f) / (c - b)), 0, 255);
if ((val > minTemp) & (val < a)) {
green = constrain(255.0f / (a - minTemp) * val - (255.0f * minTemp) / (a - minTemp), 0, 255);
else if ((val >= a) & (val <= c)) {
green = 255;
else if (val > c) {
green = constrain(255.0f / (c - d) * val - (d * 255.0f) / (c - d), 0, 255);
else if ((val > d) | (val < a)) {
green = 0;
if (val <= b) {
blue = constrain(255.0f / (a - b) * val - (255.0f * b) / (a - b), 0, 255);
else if ((val > b) & (val <= d)) {
blue = 0;
else if (val > d) {
blue = constrain(240.0f / (maxTemp - d) * val - (d * 240.0f) / (maxTemp - d), 0, 240);
// use the displays color mapping function to get 5-6-5 color palette (R=5 bits, G=6 bits, B-5 bits)
return BSP_LCD_GetColor565(red, green, blue);
static void setTempScale(void) {
minTemp = 255;
maxTemp = 0;
averageTemp =0.0f;
float sumtemp=0.0f;
for (i = 0; i < 768; i++)
//averageTemp += tempValues[i];
sumtemp += tempValues[i];
minTemp = (float)min(minTemp, tempValues[i]);
maxTemp = (float)max(maxTemp, tempValues[i]);
//averageTemp /= 768;
averageTemp = sumtemp / (float)768.0;
centerTemp = (float) ((tempValues[383 - 16] + tempValues[383 - 15] + tempValues[384 + 15] + tempValues[384 + 16]) / 4);
if (maxTemp > normalPeopleTemp)
blackOutTag = 1;
} else {
blackOutTag = 0;
#if 0
// Function to get the cutoff points in the temp vs RGB graph.
static void setAbcd(void) {
a = minTemp + (maxTemp - minTemp) * 0.2121f;
b = minTemp + (maxTemp - minTemp) * 0.3182f;
c = minTemp + (maxTemp - minTemp) * 0.4242f;
d = minTemp + (maxTemp - minTemp) * 0.8182f;
// Draw a legend.
static void drawLegend(void)
if (draw_legend_once ==0)
#if 0
float inc = (maxTemp - minTemp) / 224.0f;
j = 0;
for (ii = minTemp; ii < maxTemp; ii += inc) {
BSP_LCD_DrawVLine(8+ + j++, 260, 20, TempToColor(ii));
//BSP_LCD_FillRect(0,240,240, 320, LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
draw_legend_once =1;
DrawProp.BackColor = LCD_COLOR_BLACK;
sprintf(tempBuffer,(char *)"Yunhorn Technology");
BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(20,ST7789V_LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT+2,(uint8_t *)tempBuffer,LEFT_MODE,LCD_COLOR_DARKBLUE);
sprintf(tempBuffer,(char *)" F10.MWC#1.Z#1");
BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(22, 15,(uint8_t *)tempBuffer,LEFT_MODE,LCD_COLOR_DARKBLUE);
#if 1
DrawProp.BackColor = LCD_COLOR_BLACK;
sprintf(tempBuffer,(char *)"%2.1f",minTemp);
BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(8,ST7789V_LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT-16,(uint8_t *)tempBuffer,LEFT_MODE,LCD_COLOR_BLUE);
sprintf(tempBuffer,(char *)"%2.1f",maxTemp);
BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(190,ST7789V_LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT-16,(uint8_t *)tempBuffer,LEFT_MODE,LCD_COLOR_RED);
// Draw a circle + measured value.
static void drawMeasurement(void ) {
// Mark center measurement
#if 0
BSP_LCD_DrawCircle(120, 8+84, 10, LCD_COLOR_WHITE);
// Measure and print center temperature
centerTemp = (tempValues[383 - 16] + tempValues[383 - 15] + tempValues[384 + 15] + tempValues[384 + 16]) / 4;
#if 0
sprintf(tempBuffer,(char *)"%2d", (uint8_t)max(v_water_cnt, h_water_cnt));
#if 0
BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(ST7789V_LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH-60, 15,(uint8_t *)tempBuffer,LEFT_MODE,LCD_COLOR_YELLOW);
APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_M, "WaterSpillCount= %s\r\n",tempBuffer);
static void drawPicture(void)
uint8_t h_cnt[COL]={0},v_cnt[ROW]={0}; //for horizon and vertical _water spill count
// start from 2, ignore edge of FOV
for (y=1; y<ROW-1; y++)
#if 0
BSP_LCD_FillRect(0, y*11+16, ST7789V_LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH, 4, LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
for (x=1; x<COL-1; x++) // Start from 2, ignore edge of FOV
if (zoneMask[y*COL+x] > 3) {
// APP_LOG(TS_OFF,VLEVEL_L,"\r\n X=%d Y=%d Count=%d\r\n",x,y,zoneMask[y*32+x]);
#if 0
BSP_LCD_FillRect(x*8, y*11+16, 4, 4, LCD_COLOR_GREEN);
//upMask[(x/3)*(y/3)] ++;
upMask[(uint8_t)(y/3)][(uint8_t)(x/3)] ++; //translate to 11*8 matrix for upload
h_cnt[x] =1;
v_cnt[y] =1;
} else if (edgeMask[y*COL+x] > 3) {
#if 0
BSP_LCD_FillRect(x*8, y*11+16, 2, 2, LCD_COLOR_GRAY);
} else
#if 0
BSP_LCD_FillRect(x*8, y*11+16, 2, 2, LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
// simple count of water spill point cloud
uint8_t v_1=0, v_2=0,h_1=0,h_2=0;
for (y=1; y<ROW/2; y++) {
if ((1 == v_cnt[y]) && (0 == v_cnt[y-1])) {
for (y=12; y<ROW-1; y++) {
if ((1 == v_cnt[y]) && (0 == v_cnt[y-1])) {
v_water_cnt= v_1 + v_2;
for (x=1; x<COL/2; x++) {
if ((1 == h_cnt[x]) && (0 == h_cnt[x-1])) {
h_1 ++;
for (x=16; x<COL; x++) {
if ((1 == h_cnt[x]) && (0 == h_cnt[x-1])) {
h_2 ++;
h_water_cnt = h_1 + h_2;
spot_cnt = max(h_water_cnt, v_water_cnt);
// APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_L, " H cnt = %2u V cnt =%2u Spot Cnt=%2u \r\n", h_water_cnt, v_water_cnt, spot_cnt);
// Read pixel data from MLX90640.
static void readTempValues(void)
for (uint8_t x = 0 ; x < 2 ; x++) // Read both subpages
uint16_t mlx90640Frame[834];
status = MLX90640_GetFrameData(MLX90640_ADDR, mlx90640Frame);
if (status < 0)
APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_L, "GetFrame Error: %d\r\n",status);
float vdd = MLX90640_GetVdd(mlx90640Frame, &mlx90640);
float Ta = MLX90640_GetTa(mlx90640Frame, &mlx90640);
float tr = Ta - TA_SHIFT; //Reflected temperature based on the sensor ambient temperature
MLX90640_CalculateTo(mlx90640Frame, &mlx90640, EMMISIVITY, tr, tempValues);
void blackOutFilter(void)
float temp1=0.0, temph1=0.0, tempv1=0.0;
if (maxTemp < normalPeopleTemp)
blackOutTag =0;
} else
blackOutTag =1;
// ignore edge of FOV
waterSpillCount =0;
for (y=1; y<ROW-1; y++)
for (x=1; x<COL-1; x++)
temp1 = (float)tempValues[(x) + (y*COL)];
temph1 = (float)tempValues[(x) + (y-1)*COL];
tempv1 = (float)tempValues[(x) + (y+1)*COL];
//simple edge finding --begin
//if (((fabs(temp1 - temph1)> 0.3)) && (fabs(temp1 - tempv1)> 0.3))
if ((fabs(temp1 - temph1)> 0.2) && (fabs(temp1 - tempv1)> 0.2))
//if (((temp1 > temph1)) && ((temp1 > tempv1)))
{ // vertical find and horizontal find
} else {
//edgeMask[x+y*COL] = 0;
//simple edge finding --end
if ((temp1 + (float)(waterTempThreshold / 10.0)) < max(averageTemp, normalWaterTemp))
if (blackOutTag == 0) {
zoneMask[y*COL+x] ++;
//upMask[(uint8_t)(x/3)*(uint8_t)(y/3)] ++; //translate to 11*8 matrix for upload
upMask[(uint8_t)(y/3)][(uint8_t)(x/3)] ++; //translate to 11*8 matrix for upload
waterSpillCount ++;
if (detectCycle ++ > 20)
detectCycle = 0;
memset((void *)zoneMask,0,sizeof(zoneMask));
memset((void *)edgeMask, 0, sizeof(edgeMask));
memset((void *)upMask, 0, sizeof(upMask));
void STS_M1A_SENSOR_Read(STS_M1A_SensorDataTypeDef *m1a_data)
m1a_data->waterSpillCount = waterSpillCount;
m1a_data->spillage_level = (uint8_t)((int)waterSpillCount*99/((ROW-2)*(COL-2)))&0xff; // (24-4) * (32 -4) minus edge dots
m1a_data->averageTemp = averageTemp;
m1a_data->centerTemp = centerTemp;
m1a_data->minTemp = minTemp;
m1a_data->maxTemp = maxTemp;
m1a_data->v_water_cnt = v_water_cnt;
m1a_data->h_water_cnt = h_water_cnt;
m1a_data->spot_cnt = max(v_water_cnt, h_water_cnt);
// APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_L,"spill_cnt=%d, V_cnt=%d H_cnt=%d, Spot_cnt=%d \r\n", waterSpillCount, v_water_cnt, h_water_cnt, m1a_data->spot_cnt);
//memcpy((void *)m1a_data->waterSpillMatrix,(const void *) zoneMask,sizeof(zoneMask));
if (waterSpillCount != 0) {
bubbleSort((uint8_t*)upMask, (ROW/3)*(COL/3), (uint8_t*)order);
for (uint8_t i= waterSpillCount; i<80;i++) {
order[i] = 0;
memcpy((void *)m1a_data->order, (const void *)order, sizeof(order));
//memset(order + m1a_data->spot_cnt, 0x0, sizeof(tempBuffer)-m1a_data->spot_cnt); // fill non-spot position to zero
sprintf(tempBuffer,(char *)"Read Sensor Spot CNT=%4d V_cnt=%2d H_cnt=%2d Spillage Level =%2d average=%2.2fC center=%2.2fC min=%2.2fC max=%2.2fC \r\n",
m1a_data->waterSpillCount, v_water_cnt, h_water_cnt, m1a_data->spillage_level, (float)averageTemp, (float)centerTemp, (float)minTemp, (float)maxTemp);
APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_L,(char *)tempBuffer);
if (m1a_data->waterSpillCount !=0 )
for (uint8_t i=0; i< 4; i++) {
sprintf(tempBuffer, (char *) " Top {%1d} =order =%2u X=%2u : Y=%2u \r\n", i, order[i],
(uint8_t)(order[i]%(COL/3)), (uint8_t)(order[i]/(COL/3)));
APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_L,(char *)tempBuffer);
sensor_data_ready = 1;
void mlx90640_display_process(void)
#if 1
if (blackOutTag == 0)
// LCD_BL_ON();
if (detectCycle !=0)
} else {
APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_L, "Water Spill Detected Level = %d of 768 \r\n", waterSpillCount);
uint8_t mlx90640_bringup_test(void)
status = MLX90640_DumpEE(MLX90640_ADDR, eeMLX90640);
return (status==0?1:0);
void mlx90640_display_init(void){
MLX90640_SetRefreshRate(MLX90640_ADDR, RefreshRate);
status = MLX90640_DumpEE(MLX90640_ADDR, eeMLX90640);
if (status != 0) APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_L, "\r\nload system parameters error with code:%d\r\n",status);
status = MLX90640_ExtractParameters(eeMLX90640, &mlx90640);
if (status != 0) APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_L, "\r\nParameter extraction failed with error code:%d\r\n",status);
void STS_SENSOR_Thermal_Graph_Test_Process(float *self_test_result, uint8_t count)
self_test_result[0] = averageTemp;
self_test_result[1] = centerTemp;
self_test_result[2] = minTemp;
self_test_result[3] = maxTemp;
#if 0
sprintf(tempBuffer,(char *)"Upload ============ Calibrated Temp Average=%2.2fC Center=%2.2fC Min=%2.2fC Max=%2.2fC \r\n",
(float)self_test_result[0], (float)self_test_result[1], (float)self_test_result[2], (float)self_test_result[3]);
APP_LOG(TS_OFF, VLEVEL_L,(char *)tempBuffer);
static void bubbleSort(uint8_t arr[], uint8_t len, uint8_t order[])
uint8_t i, j, temp, t1;
for (j=0; j < len ; j++) {
order[j] = 1+j;
for (i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < len - i - 1; j++) {
if (arr[j] < arr[j + 1]) {
temp = arr[j];
arr[j] = arr[j + 1];
arr[j + 1] = temp;
t1 = order[j];