STS_R1 STS_R2 STS_R5 For Jumbo Roll, Tissue Paper, Waste Bin sensor
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Yunhorn 8204a361d0 add add files 2024-10-14 17:55:47 +08:00
Components/vl53l1x_uld add add files 2024-10-14 17:55:47 +08:00
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LoRaWAN remvoe unused code 2024-04-19 10:19:32 +08:00
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mcu add mcu change files 2024-04-07 17:34:55 +08:00
.gitignore revised ignore file , add hex file 2024-02-22 15:46:26 +08:00 inital for STS_R4 2023-11-08 09:09:38 +08:00
YUNHORN_IOT_RM-2-1.pdf add new PCB diagram 2024-04-18 19:25:20 +08:00
readme.txt PB5/PB3 exchange for STS_R4_JP 2024-04-08 18:00:39 +08:00

Pre-defines TOF_1 , U3, RIGHT SENSOR, XSHUT:PB-3, INT:PB-5 TOF_2 , U4, LEFT SENSOR, XSHUT:PA-9,INT:PB-5 *** Default TOF ON BOARD TOF_3 , P6,P7,P10 out interface, XSHUT:PA-10,INT:PB-5 SOAP_LEVEL_SENSOR, Switch/XSHUT: PB-3, INPUT-STATUS: PA-10 ROCTEC_R5, for upload payload format with distance only, 2 bytes LED_ONBOARD, If LED soldered on board

@par Description


| STS-R1    |	Jumbo Roll Level			|    TOF VL53L0X			|
| STS-R2	|	Tissue Paper Level			|    TOF VL53L0X			|
| STS-R5	|	Waste Bin Level				|    TOF VL53L0X			|

# STS-R5	#	Waste Bin Level	RocTec		|    TOF VL53L0X			|

| STS-O2	|	Presence Sensor				|	 TOF VL53L1/L3			|
| STS-O3	|	Presence Sensor				|	 TOF VL53L1/L3			|
| STS-O4	|	Urinal Occupy Sensor		|	 TOF VL53L1/L3			|
| STS-O5	|	Door Contact				|	 GPIO ReedSwitch		|

| STS-R3	|	Soap Dispenser Sensor		|    GPIO Capacitive 		|
| STS-R4	|	Cistern/Tank Level Sensor	|    UART UltraSonic 		|

| STS-M1	|	Water Leakage Sensor		|    GPIO ReedSwitch 		|
| STS-M3	|	Tank Level Sensor			|    UART UltraSonic 		|
| STS-M4    |   Water Flow Sensor           |    TIM2_ETR counting, PA5 |   	

| STS-P1	|	Queueing length Sensor		|    IW6843 				|
| STS-P2	|	Bi-Directional People Count	|    TOF VL53L1/L3			|

| STS-M7	|	Vibration Sensor			|    I2C 3-Axis vibration	|

Jumbo Roll, Tissue Paper, Waste Bin sensor