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/** @page Yunhorn STS IOT Core Readme file
@file: Readme.txt STS_R1 STS_R2 STS_R5 *
@author Yunhorn (r) Technology Limited Application Team *
@brief Yunhorn (r) SmarToilets (r) Product configuration file. *
Copyright (c) 2023 Yunhorn Technology Limited.
Copyright (c) 2023 Shenzhen Yunhorn Technology Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.
This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
in the root directory of this software component.
If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
Pre-defines TOF_1 , U3, RIGHT SENSOR, XSHUT:PB-3, INT:PB-5 TOF_2 , U4, LEFT SENSOR, XSHUT:PA-9,INT:PB-5 *** Default TOF ON BOARD TOF_3 , P6,P7,P10 out interface, XSHUT:PA-10,INT:PB-5 SOAP_LEVEL_SENSOR, Switch/XSHUT: PB-3, INPUT-STATUS: PA-10 ROCTEC_R5, for upload payload format with distance only, 2 bytes LED_ONBOARD, If LED soldered on board
@par Description
| STS-R1 | Jumbo Roll Level | TOF VL53L0X | | STS-R2 | Tissue Paper Level | TOF VL53L0X | | STS-R5 | Waste Bin Level | TOF VL53L0X |
STS-R5 # Waste Bin Level RocTec | TOF VL53L0X |
| STS-O2 | Presence Sensor | TOF VL53L1/L3 | | STS-O3 | Presence Sensor | TOF VL53L1/L3 | | STS-O4 | Urinal Occupy Sensor | TOF VL53L1/L3 | | STS-O5 | Door Contact | GPIO ReedSwitch |
| STS-R3 | Soap Dispenser Sensor | GPIO Capacitive | | STS-R4 | Cistern/Tank Level Sensor | UART UltraSonic |
| STS-M1 | Water Leakage Sensor | GPIO ReedSwitch | | STS-M3 | Tank Level Sensor | UART UltraSonic | | STS-M4 | Water Flow Sensor | TIM2_ETR counting, PA5 |
| STS-P1 | Queueing length Sensor | IW6843 | | STS-P2 | Bi-Directional People Count | TOF VL53L1/L3 |
| STS-M7 | Vibration Sensor | I2C 3-Axis vibration |
Jumbo Roll, Tissue Paper, Waste Bin sensor
@par Keywords